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  • giannozz's avatar
    Added TB09 functional, from libxc, courtesy of Eric Germaneau. · c1b72fa4
    giannozz authored
    Added two small files from libxc. Compile with -D__LIBXC, link with libxc:
    -L/dir/where/libxc/is -lxcf90 -lxc
    User guides updated with a reshuffling of names: contributors to all of QE
    (in particular, most functionals) are listed in the user guide of QE and
    not in the one of PW. make.depend updated
    This is just to avoid that the work done is lost. It should be a first step 
    towards better organization of XC functionals. We should seriously consider
    one of the following options:
    1. move to libxc, getting rid of all duplicated functionals, keeping only
       those that are not available in libxc;
    2. add the possibility to use any functional from libxc (currently only a few
       can be used). This may require serious restructuring work in our XC
       functional (il-)logic, that has become clumsy, obscure and redundant
    git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0