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  • ccavazzoni's avatar
    becp and related quantities in add_vuspsi and s_psi · d0eddbe9
    ccavazzoni authored
    have been completely distributed across processors,
    for gamma point calculations with scalapack.
    This implementation save memory and add some communications.
    The distribution of becp is performed whenever 
    allocate_bec_type is called with a communicator as an additional argument.
    add_vuspsi, calbec and s_psi check for the presence of the
    communicator within bec type, and if it is present use
    a distributed algorithm to compute related quantities.
    Exactly the same strategy could be applied to the k-point
    and non-collinear case
    git-svn-id: c92efa57-630b-4861-b058-cf58834340f0