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  • degironc's avatar
    KS_Solvers directory has been created with three subdirectories: · 4636bca6
    degironc authored
    KS_Solvers/CG, KS_Solvers/Davidson, KS_Solvers/Davidson_RCI.
    Two are currently used by QE, the third one implements the Davidson
    diagonalization within the Reverse Communication Interface paradigm,
    courtesy of Micael Oliveira.
    KS_Solvers routines depend only on lower level libraries, notably UtilXlib, 
    LAXlib, (SCA)LAPACK, and BLAS.
    reorganization can be improved. For instance some duplicated routines like
    cdiaghg and rdiaghg could/should be moved in LAXlib. This could reduce the need
    to include  KS_Solvers directories in the link step of many codes.    
    Minimal changes to calling sequence have been made, essentially just adding
    h_psi,s_psi,g_psi and h_1psi,s_1psi routines names as arguments (with a
    specific calling sequence ihardcode inside the routines that agree with PWSCF one). 
    This could be avoided adopting the RCI paradigm.
    Compiled in serial and parallel, 177/182 pw tests passed (3 that were failing 
    even before on my laptop pw-b...