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  • engine-v0.1.14
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.14
     o fix a bug removing the wrong kind of event for preloaded sounds
     o include mechanism for displaying preload status
  • Day31
    This is the official project code as of the end of the thiry first day of
    Devember. This is also the last day of Devember 2015.
    The changes here are mild and involved ensuring that everything gets reset
    properly when a level resets, and fixing up the Preloading code so that it
    catches errors and reports them, but still keeps things working.
    This is the last commit that will happen in this copy of the repository (unless
    something particular pops up) as a part of Devember 2015.
  • engine-v0.1.13
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.13
     o handle preload errors by using replacement data URL's
  • Day30
    This is the project code as of the end of the thirtieth day of Devember.
    The engine code is now split apart from the game code, which makes merges easier
    (although, you know, not THIS merge).
    There are now multiple tsconfig files to compile each part, and the WebStorm
    project references the appropriate engine.d.ts file while inside the game code,
    which proves that code completion works without the engine code as part of the
  • engine-v0.1.12
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.12
     o Split engine and game code into multiple output files
     o mute/unmute music when the game starts/stops in the page.
  • Day29
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenth ninth day of Devember
    Today we have some sound and music API changes in the engine code; the Stage
    class can now preload by invoking the proper Preloader functions for you. This
    combines with new API's in Stage that let you alter the mute/volume status of
    all sounds and/or music that is registered with the stage by having the stage
    register everything it preloads.
    You can manually register sounds that are created elsewhere as needed.
    Rx now has music and sound effects throughout the demo, making it more or less
    feature complete; all it's really missing is feature polish and refinement but
    the core of everything that makes a Dr. Mario game is there now, I think.
  • engine-v0.1.11
    This is the Official engine verison 0.1.11
     o Allow the Stage class to be a proxy for sound/image preloading
     o Stage class can now mute/unmute/volume change all registgered
       sound objects in one shot; makes global muting easier.
     o sound preloading no longer shares tags for duplicate preloads
     o sample game application uses new Stage muting api
  • Day28
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty eighth day of Devember
    This fixes the issue encountered yesterday regarding the scene switch happening
    before the preload finished, which was making an exception be thrown for trying
    to get the music to play before it was finished loading.
    This is accomplished by removing the ability to force swap scenes if the game
    loop is not running and instead having the Stage report what the current scene
    WOULD be if a change is pending but the game loop is not running yet.
    Also, now we can mute the audio in the demo because I was going a little nuts
    there for a minute.
  • engine-v0.1.10
    This is the official engine version 0.1.10
     o Make sure Scene.activating() does not get triggered before preloading is
     o Include muting support in the demo application
  • Day27
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty seventh day of Devember
    This includes the ability to preload music as well as regular audio, and also
    provides some simple classes for wrapping the sound and music aspects, in
    anticipation of some future modifications to the API.
  • engine-v0.1.9
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.9
     o Allow for music preloading
     o Simple classes for sounds and music to aid playback
  • Day26
    This is the project cocde as of the end of the twenty sixth day of Devember.
    The bug in yesterday's image preloading was traced to a bug in rendering that
    would translate the canvas and then not restore it, which makes all rendering
    seem to happen at the same location and has been resolved.
    The Image preloading was enhanced so that when several requests for the same
    image are made, they all return the same img tag instance, which saves a tiny
    bit of memory for object references (I think) since the browser should hopefully
    be smart enough to use the same underlying data for both anyway.
    We now all support audio preloading, although currently sound is a little crude
    in that you need to use the normal HTMLAudioElement interface.
    The audio preloading also uses the same mechanism for returning the same tag as
    the previous attempt if it reuses a URL, although this may not be the best since
    any one audio tag can only play its sound once, so sharing it leads to sound
    That will be fixed next.
  • engine-v0.1.8
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.8
     o Allow for image preloading
     o Allow for audio preloading
    The audio preloading needs more work, but for now simple ability to play sounds
    is ready to go.
  • Day25
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty fifth day of Devember
    Partial image preloading support is in, but there are some issues that I haven't
    tracked down, so this is not yet merged with anything; images load, but the dot
    sprites in the sample application don't move like they're supposed to.
    Since it's Christmas night and it's been a long day, I'm leaving this for not.
  • Day24
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty fourth day of devember.
    We now have a proper title screen menu for selecting the level to start the
    game at, and a menu on the game over screen that allows you to replay or quit.
  • Day23
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty third day of devember.
    This is the same code as yesterday, but refactored to have the menu code
    split into its own entity class for reuse.
    Additionally, thanks to engine changes all of the scenes are capable of
    creating screen shots, not just the game screen.
  • engine-v0.1.7
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.7
     o Remove the old JavaScript version of the code.
  • engine-v0.1.6
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.6
     o The Stage is now responsible for screen shot capturing
     o Scene handles F5 keypressed to take a screenshot unless overridden
  • Day22
    This is the project code as of the end of the twenty second day of devember.
    We now have a simplistic title screen which needs a bit more work. This code
    needs to be made more generic for use elsehwere and possibly in other projects.
  • Day21
    This is the project code as of the end of the twentyfirst day of Devember.
    We now display the upcoming capsule to allow for better planning, and include a
    simple game over screen when things go wrong.