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  • Day20
    c8f314f4 · Make debug mode a toggle ·
    This is the project code as of the twentieth day of Devember.
    Today we add in a proper scoring mechanism, a toggleable debug mode, and a
    mechanism to show a brief floating text to show you when points are achieved.
  • Day19
    35f068fa · Include a scoring display ·
    This is the project code as of the end of the nineteenth day of Devember.
    We now communicate match information from the bottle back to the scene, which
    can use that information to calculate and generate a score.
    Currently the scoring mechanism needs more fleshing out; it just gives a flat
    200 points per virus per match.
  • Day18
    3b8ecfe8 · Rename the DOWN key ·
    This is the project code as of the eighteenth day of Devember.
    Input is cleaner, and the capsules drop on their own now. Some more debugging
    code is needed to slow or stop the speed of drops entirely, so that we can set
    up and test for scoring and combos and stuff.
    Also, the current code for the down key drops the capsule right to the bottom,
    but it would be nice if this just sped up the drop speed, so that you can
    advance forward without going all the way to the bottom in one hit. Perhaps by
    temporarily forcing the drop speed to be a particular (small) value while the
    key is pressed?
  • Day17
    This is the project code as of the seventeenth day of Devember.
    We're now ab out 90% of the way to a playable game. There is a capsule that
    appears in the neck of the bottle. You can drop it down and rotate it. When it
    can no longer drop, matches happen (if any) followed by cascades (if any),
    followed by a new capsule appearing at the top.
    Game over is detected by the inability of the capsule to drop into the bottle at
    all because the neck is blocked.
    This still needs some work; the input is all wonky and there is no constant drop
    of the capsule; the only drops that happen are when the user specifically
    requests it.
    Still, progress!
  • Day16
    This is the project code as of the end of the sixteenth day of Devember.
    There is now a Capsule entity which wraps two Segment entities and can modify
    their colors and types based on its own type and orientation. The Capsule class
    maintains its position in the bottle as its map position, and will update the
    stage position when this is changed; changing the stage position leaves the map
    position alone.
    The bottle now provides an API to translate a point in bottle content space to
    stage spage, which the capsule uses to set its stage position based on a bottle
    We're now poised to add user interactivity.
    Oh yeah, and a slight engine change; since I had so many things counting update
    ticks on their own, I went ahead and put that into the engine, so it just
    happens now.
  • engine-v0.1.5
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.5.
    o The Stage now keeps track of the tick count and passes it to the update method
      of Scene. There is a new Stage.tick property which tells you what the current
      tick is. The tick counts the number of frame updates, which run at a set
      interval (30 fps unless you change the code).
    o The Scene now takes a tick count and passes it to the update method of Actor
    o The Actor now takes a tick count and does nothing with it
  • Day15
    This is the project code as of the end of the fifteenth day of Devember.
    The virus generation process is now pushed out to the game scene, so that the
    viruses can be generated incrementally and displayed as they're building up. In
    addition, the bottle counts the number of viruses left, and tells the game scene
    when it reaches 0 so that the next level can start, which increases the level
    and goes again.
    Also the debugging logic has been fortified so that modifying the level also
    modifies the virus count, which seems an important consideration now.
    Except for scoring and user capsule movement, we're pretty much there now.
  • Day14
    This is the project code as of the end of the fourteenth day of Devember.
    We now populate the virus bottle with a set of viruses that does not immediately
    cause matches to appear.
    This does not fully match how this was done on the NES, but probably good enough
    for now?  I'll have to see how I feel about it.
  • engine-v0.1.4
    03fade72 · Enhance Renderer API ·
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.4
    o enhance the rendering API to allow for stroked shapes
    o enhance the polygon API to allow for more complex polygons
  • Day13
    This is the project code as of the end of the thirteenth day of Devember.
    The level editing code is tweaked a little bit to allow segment selection via
    the mouse, and the start of virus population at the start of a level is in. It
    is currently crude and incorrect, but it generates the correct number of viruses
    in more or less the correct colors.
  • engine-v0.1.3
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.3
    o Add properties to allow access to actor width and height
  • Day12
    This is the project code as of the end of the twelfth day of Devember
    This is just a simple change which more closely mimics how the game would
    actually operate in play; instead of a constant drop happening, instead a drop
    would only be triggered after a match was found, and a match would be found only
    after the player placed a capsule in the bottle.
    The current drop mechanic in the bottle is for the cascade action, because it
    always runs at a set speed. This is not the code that would be used to control
    the drop of the player capsule in the bottle.
  • Day11
    This is the project code as of the end of the eleventh day of Devember.
    Here some small engine tweaks were made, and the Rx protoype now allows for pieces to drop
    and horizontal and vertical matches to be made, including cascades.
    More work is probably in order to tune this up a bit and make it less ugly.
  • engine-v0.1.2
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.2
    o Include key codes for number keys
    o Make all methods in all classes that don't return a value explicitely say that
      they return void.
  • engine-v0.1.1
    This is the Official engine version 0.1.1.
     o The Scene and Stage class now use KeyboardEvent and MouseEvent instead of
     o The mouse input handlers now return a boolean that indicates if default
       handling should be disabled or not
     o The Point class can return an array version of itself and set itself from
       such an array
     o The Renderer interface specifies an interface for more easily rendering an
       arbitrary polygon, and CanvasRenderer implements it.
  • Day10
    2212137d · Turn on bottle rendering ·
    This is the project code as of the end of the Tenth day of Devember.
    This includes some object refactoring and engine changes. In particular the
    engine now supports polygon rendering by way of an array of array of numbers.
    The Point class can now return such an array instance of itself.
  • Day9
    This is the project code as of the event of the Ninth day of Devember.
    This is just a re-working of yesterday's code to make it more object oriented,
    but it does include the notion of a virus (three of them, in fact) as a segment
  • Day8
    This is the project code as of the end of the Eighty day od Devember.
    Since the official port of the engine is complete, it's time to embark on some
    actual prototyping of some games to see how the workflow changes affect
    development (better or worse?)
    The first thing I'm going to prototype is some of the mechanics for a Dr. Mario
    puzzle game clone.
    I'm undecided yet if this will become a fully functional prototype or if I will
    split away later in the month to try prototyping a different sort of game, just
    to get more experience with different kinds of prototypes.
  • engine-v0.1.0
    52787523 · Modify the Rendering API ·
    This is the  Official engine version 0.1.0
    This represents the initial TypeScript port of the engine with no other
  • Day7
    52787523 · Modify the Rendering API ·
    This is the project code as of the end of the Seventh day of Devember.
    On this day I deem the port to be officially completed; all of the functionality
    is now present, along with the (few) design changes and tweaks that I wanted to
    The next steps will be to start actually prototyping a game to use the rest of
    Devember to evaluate how much easier this new port is to use and maintain than
    the JavaScript version was.
    Thus far I feel cautiously optimistic.