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Ability to Upload file with same SiaPath immediately after calling delete on previous file

Christopher Schinnerl requested to merge siafileset-delete-entry into unstable


Description of Feature

A new file with the same SiaPath can now be uploaded right after deleting the previous one.

Description of Work Flow

Deleting a file will now delete the entry from the SiaFileSet right away. Acquired entries will return errors on methods that interact with the disk to prevent the old entry from corrupting the new one.

Testing Added

TestSiaFileSetDeleteOpen - Opens SiaFiles with the same SiaPath in a loop and deletes them without closing the entries to make sure that even though we are not closing the entries, we can create a new file with the same SiaPath.

Modules and Packages Impacted


Closes #3325 (closed)

Edited by Christopher Schinnerl

Merge request reports