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Commits on Source (2)
......@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ utilities.
Display the kernel variable +tick+.
+-b+ 'bump'::
Bump the clock by a specified number of microceseconds.
Bump the clock by a specified number of microseconds.
Compute and display clock jitter.
......@@ -343,7 +343,7 @@ plot \
histogram_data = ["%s %s\n" % (val, cnt[val]) for val in vals]
return plot_template.replace('@', '%') + "".join(histogram_data)
# Multplotting can't live inside NTPViz because it consumes a list
# Multiplotting can't live inside NTPViz because it consumes a list
# of such objects, not a single one.
def local_offset_multiplot(statlist):
......@@ -7,13 +7,11 @@ cmd_map = {
("main/ntpd/ntpd", "-invalid"): r'.*must be run as root, not uid.*',
("main/ntpdig/ntpdig", ""): r'.**',
("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob", "-h"): r'.*illegal option.*',
("main/ntpfrob/ntpfrob", "-b 100000"): r".*Bumping clock by 100000 microseconds.*",
("main/ntpkeygen/ntpkeygen", "-M"): r'.*Generating new md5 file and link.*',
("main/ntpq/ntpq", "-p"): r'.*remote.*jitter.*',
("main/ntptime/ntptime", None): r'.*ntp_gettime\(\) returns code 0 \(OK\).*',
("main/util/bumpclock", None): r".*Bumping clock by 100000 microseconds.*",
("main/util/propdelay", "1","1", "2"," 2"): r'.*summer propagation, height 350 km, hops 1, delay 0.00239626 seconds.*',
("main/util/sht", "2:r"): r'.*reader.*',
("main/util/tg2", "--help"): r'.*illegal option.*',
# XXX: Need to figure out how to test this.
# ("main/util/hist", ""): r'',