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......@@ -28,6 +28,9 @@ ntpv5.txt::
Guidance for binary package builders.
A collection of ideas about testing before a release.
Script for shipping a release.
This is a collection of ideas about how/what to test when
we are preparing for a release. Most of them require
manual action.
It assumes we have a release candidate tarball and git tag.
We should probably make a web page so we can collect check-boxes
when we get reports that something works and graphs of typical
operations so we have a reference for the next release.
The first step is to make sure it builds cleanly on as many
OSes/distros as we can.
The second step is to make sure it runs. Unfortunately, "it"
gets complicated due to the collection of features and options
and the possible interactions.
In this context, we should treat different versions of
an OS/distro as separate items.
Similarly, we should have separate slots within an OS/distro
for different hardware platforms. The obvious platforms are
Intel-64, Intel-32, ARM-32. ARM-64 would be nice but I don't
know if that is ready yet. (Jan 2017)
We really need to test on an other-endian platform.
NetBSD runs Big Endian on some ARM systems.
We should try as many refclocks as we can on as many
OS/distros as we can. This is testing the OS kernel
as well as ntpd. If possible, we should at least test
the NMEA driver with the PPS driver and via SHM.
Note that there are two levels of PPS to test. The first
is just being able to get the data. The second is to see
if the in-kernel PLL as activated by flag3 on the PPS driver
works. On Linux, that needs building a custom kernel with
CONFIG_NO_HZ turned off and CONFIG_NTP_PPS on.
We should review any documentation for best-practices and verify
that any sample code and build recipies work as expected. In
particular, we should make sure the pool option works and that
the Raspberry Pi Stratum 1 server HOWTO works.
(There are two sample ntp.conf files in contrib/
Both use the pool. Jan 2017)
We should bump the clock (ntpfrob -b) and watch how it recovers.
We should probably do this on every OS.
There should be 4 cases. For small excursions,
less than 128 ms, the clock should be adjusted. For most OSes,
it will slew. For larger excursions, the clock will be stepped.
If the clock is way off (over 600 seconds), ntpd should panic
and exit, expecting a human to fix it. The -g command line switch
will override that panic and allow one big step.
We should test cold-start with no drift file.
All the options in ntp.conf, debug, crypto
......@@ -324,7 +324,7 @@ rarely strays more than 128 ms even under extreme cases of network path
congestion and jitter. Sometimes, in particular when +ntpd+ is first
started without a valid drift file on a system with a large intrinsic
drift the error might grow to exceed 128 ms, which would cause the clock
to be set backwards if the local clock time is more than 128 s in the
to be set backwards if the local clock time is more than 128 ms in the
future relative to the server. In some applications, this behavior may
be unacceptable. There are several solutions, however. If the +-x+
option is included on the command line, the clock will never be stepped
......@@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ static struct timespec timespec_init(time_t hi, long lo)
static bool AssertFpClose(const l_fp m, const l_fp n, const l_fp limit)
int64_t diff = m - n;
if ((l_fp)labs(diff) <= limit)
if ((l_fp)llabs(diff) <= limit)
return true;
else {
printf("m_expr which is %s \nand\nn_expr which is %s\nare not close; diff=%susec\n", lfptoa(m, 10), lfptoa(n, 10), lfptoa(diff, 10));