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Rename `RedisNIOError` to `RedisClientError`

Nathan Harris requested to merge rename-errors into master


To make it a little more generic, and to avoid turnover during renames (such as the planned rebranding in issue #61 (closed)), RedisClientError more accurately reflects the source of the errors, as well as the responsibility of causing the bug.


  • Rename RedisNIOError to RedisClientError
  • Rename RedisError file to RedisErrors
  • Add documentation of RedisClientError
  • Remove no longer used .unsupportedOperation(method:message:) value
  • Rename .responseConversion(to:) to .failedRESPConversion(to:)


Names of RedisClientError should be more descriptive, less prone to turnover, and more documented for users to understand the issues related to these thrown errors.

Edited by Nathan Harris

Merge request reports