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  • Nathan Harris's avatar
    60 -- Provide Strong Option Types in SortedSet Commands · 64232992
    Nathan Harris authored
    While working through issue #59, it was noticed just how "stringly" the SortedSet command options for `zadd`, `zinterstore`, and `zunionstore` were, and Swift provides ways of having strong type safety for these options.
    - Add `RedisSortedSetAddOption` and `RedisSortedSetAggregateMethod` to replace the String API in `zadd`, `zinterstore`, and `zunionstore`
    - Fix an implication of how `overestimatedCountBeingAdded` documentation for `Array where Element == RESPValue` for `add(contentsOf:overestimatedCountBeingAdded:_:)`
    Users should have a more discoverable and straightforward way that isn't error prone for calling `zadd`, `zinterstore`, and `zunionstore` with Redis supported options.