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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.9.0
    squad-report 1.9.0
    This release fixes bugs in
     * squad-find-regressions, speed up the find-regressions.
     * datasets, don't list download URL if there isn't one.
    Also add new features to
     * squad-find-regressions, new flags to use.
  • 1.8.3
    squad-report 1.8.3 2022-04-04
    This release fixes a bug in a the perf report template.
    * templates: fix a character in the perf report
  • 1.8.2
    squad-report 1.8.2 2022-03-14
    This release fixes a bug in an included report template.
    * templates: blocks: kernel: use the correct metadata value
  • 1.8.1
    squad-report 1.8.1 2022-03-14
    This release fixes a bug in the performance report template.
    * templates: perf-report: use correct metadata value
  • 1.8.0
    squad-report 1.8.0 2022-02-24
    This release adds a performance report that is built using mmtests.
    * add template and scripts to interface with mmtests. [mmtests]( is a
    benchmarking framework primarily aimed at Linux kernel testing.
    * templates: blocks: kernel: use metadata name from tuxsuite
  • 1.7.0
    squad-report 1.7.0 2021-12-30
    This release adds a tuxsuite url next to any metric regressions in the compare report
    * all: add the download_url metadata field to all metric regressions
  • 1.6.1
    squad-report 1.6.1 2021-12-03
    This release fixes an issue with report generation
    * reports: replace with an actual key
  • 1.6.0
    squad-report 1.6.0 2021-11-30
    This release adds metric regressions and fixes when comparing builds
    * all: add metric regressions and fixes when comparing builds
    * tests: add a smoke test that has metrics data
    * squad-find-regressions: return ok if there are no failing tests
  • 1.5.0
    squad-report 1.5.0 2021-11-21
    This release adds back our arm64 containers and adds the squad-find-regressions script to our containers
    * Revert "all: remove arm64 docker builds"
    * gitlab-ci: use a new set of tags for the arm64 runner
    * dockerfile: add the squad-find-regressions script
  • 1.4.0
    squad-report release 1.4.0 2021-11-18
    This release adds the squad-find-regressions script and some basic smoke testing
    * all: add basic integration tests
    * all: add a short name for the version option
    * requirements-dev: add wheel package
    * tests/integration: add some basic smoke tests
    * squad-find-regressions: determine if a failure is a regression
    * all: report to stdout by default
    * all: reorganize the integration tests
    * gitlab-ci: add tls certs directory
    * all: update the argument for compare_builds
    * all: remove arm64 docker builds
  • 1.3.0
    squad-report 1.3.0 2021-09-14
    This release adds an option to only generate the report if there are regressions or failures.
    * New option, `--send-on`, only generate the report if there are regressions or failures (@aroxell)(!96
    * Fix the email subject in the build report (@jscook2345)(!89)
  • 1.2.0
    squad-report 1.2.0 2021-07-04
    This release adds and option to specify the config and a new build template.
    * New option, `--config`, that specifies a path to a config file (@jscook2345)(!83)
    * New template, `build`, that details a build without a comparison (@jscook2345)(!85)
    * Fix error reporting with around base builds (@jscook2345)(!82)
    * Render the email subject as a template string (@jscook2345@)(!81)
  • 1.1.0
    squad-report 1.1.0 2021-06-28
    This release adds an option to cache `squad-client` requests.
    * Add an option to cache `squad-client` requests, which requires a newer version of the library (@jscook2345)(!75)
    * Unpin the `jinja2` dependency version by using a different template loader (@aroxell)(!74)
  • 1.0.1
    squad-report 1.0.1
    This release pins the jinja2 version due to issues with the latest jinja2 package
    * Pin the jinja dependency version (@jscook2345)(!70)
    * Do not print the cc email header if the config option email_cc is none (@jscook2345)(!68)
  • 1.0.0
    squad-report 1.0.0 release (2021-04-16).
    This major release adds configuration file support, email header support, and a version option.
    * New option, `--version`, prints the version and exits (@aroxell)(!56)
    * Print the `--output` argument after a report is created (@aroxell)(!59)
    * User configuration file saves both options and template values for later use (@aroxell)(!61,!63)
    * New options, `--email-from`, `--email-subject`, `--email-to`, `--email-cc` adds email headers to the report (@aroxell)(!61,!63)
    * The `Reported-by` and `Tested-by` template values are now set in the config (@aroxell)(!61,!63)
    * The `Signature` template values are now set in the config (@aroxell)(!61,!63)
    * New option, `--config-report-type`, specify a report to create from the config (@aroxell)(!61,!63)
    * The project was renamed `squad-report` (@aroxell)(!62)
    * The project library (what you would import) was renamed `squad_report` (@aroxell)(!62)
    * The project package (what you would install from `pip`) was renamed `squad-report` (@aroxell)(!62)
    * The project project page changed to (@aroxell)(!62)
    * The `squad_report` program was renamed `squad-report` (@aroxell)(!62)
    * `--template=full_report` renamed `--template=report-full` (@aroxell)(!63)
  • 0.0.2
    squaddata 0.0.2 release
    * New option, `--unfinished`, that allows comparing unfinished builds (@jscook2345)(!34)
    * Examples to the `` (@jscook2345)(!38)
    * New document, `` (@jscook2345)(!41)
    * New option, `--output`, that writes the report to a specified file (@aroxell)(!35)
    * New option, `--template`, that specifies which template to use (@aroxell)(!35)
    * Custom logging (@aroxell)(!39)
    * Reports now show `Reported-by` or `Tested-by` (@aroxell)(!46)
    * Template improvements based on user feedback (@aroxell)(!35, !36, !48) (@jscook2345)(!33)
    * Performance improvements (@aroxell)(!39)
    * `squad_data` command (@jscook2345)(!37)
    * `report` argument, replaced by the `--template` option (@aroxell)(!35)
    * `stable` report, replaced by `--template=report` (@aroxell)(!35)
    * `full` report, replaced by `--template=full_report` (@aroxell)(!35)
    * `short` report (@aroxell)(!51)
    * `sanity` report (@aroxell)(!51)
  • 0.0.1
    squaddata 0.0.1: initial release