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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.3.1 protected
    Do not tag metadata for packages version
  • 1.3.0 protected
    Poetry version
    * Moved from anaconda-compatible setuptools-based approach to
        Poetry-based builds.
    * Implemented multi-dataset plotting using the quickslicer
    * Safeguarded some script files with __name__ boilerplate
    * Improved committee nets
  • 1.2.2 protected
    edgerun10 version
    Updated CI to use python3.8 by default
    Added "edgerun10" reference script for filtering QLK data
    Updated dataslicer to allow to optionally connect to NNDB
    Increase testing surface
  • 1.2.1 protected
    Improved CI for QLKNN version
  • 1.2.0 protected
    Edgy-Camille version
    Big improvements again on the EdgeSets, HornNets, MarionNets, megarun3, and pipeline side of things. Notably:
    - HornNet
      * Quickslicer and training improvements
        - quickslicer now also outputs abs abs thresh mismatch and the mean of all measures
        - target data for multi-output NNs can be scaled with mean of stds
        - hyperparameters can be tracked in TensorBoard for hyperparameter scans
        - load_from_store without columns (columns=False)
        - repeating feature_names in megaHornNet
    - Test and build pipeline
      * Add full CI test pipeline for Python3.6 and Python3.8. Target Python is
      * Python 3.7. (999737d4, dc0a4876, 534366c5, da6bad29, 5eb17813)
      * Use conda-friendly packaging using .txt files (b13f7218)
      * Use setuptools_scm to set the version of the package (e6ab479c)
      * Do not upload full venv as job artifact (586d99e8) [thanks Francis noticing file system explosion]
      * Require at least TensorFlow 2.2.0 to run Dan Nieuwenhuizens workflows on m100 (b13f7218)
      * Replaced ye olde and replaces it with a new and shiny See a7070727
        - More flexible clipping (e104fc52, c73798d4)
        - Allow momentum filter to allow for negative values (a6adefee)
      * Drops support for Python 2.7 (f8bb4cff)
      * files:
        - (e0537d6b)
        - All python files (c4277fd8, a6adefee)
        - All python scripts (35a9019c, 90338421)
      * Blackify ignore list can be found in .git-blame-ignore-revs, see (01bb3a72, 1c990405)
      * Upgrades Black to use pyproject.toml and use python 3.7 syntax
      * Creates a new global fixture store_path build from
      * qlk_h5_gen5_4D_dataset for testing of gen5-aware code
      * Moves the existing tests to use above fixture
      * Adds a silly echo function to qlknn/training/ to
      * test partial initialization of Keras classes
      * Adds initial mostly empty tests for Camille's edgerun code
      * Adds fallbacks to outlier dropping
      * Build packages on every tag
    - Implement Sphinx documentation and CI for qlknn package
      * Autoparse requirements*.txt (1d26f946)
      * Clean up package dependencies (1d26f946, 1ecf2b71)
      * Use scripting over YAML constructs (1ecf2b71, 1ecf2b71)
      * Use Sphinx instead of Doxygen (126880b9)
    - Add workaround for pip install bug
      * See relating to editable installs
    - Quickslicer cleanup
      * Move CLI interface from docopt to argparse (88615aee, dc5f6dd1)
      * Make usable in the quickslicer (c3445450)
      * Allow slicing with the "wrong" dataset {e.g. 9D and 4D for 7D networks} (7decf15b, 127ac2e2)
      * Add quickslicer as console script (5a30f06a)
      * Reduce reliance on global variables (9e2403be)
      * Move testdata to dedicated folder (4ef94768)
      * Disable luigi tests (7d378723)
      * Add tests and testdata for
        - quickslicer (3d459e7b, 090aa7dd, 7ae1e47a)
        - committees (d8bee41a)
        - FFNNs (08d7031e, 9aa23dee)
      * Shuffle the dataset is now the default (1d31cfb2)
    - Clustering scripts by @BartKremers and @aaronkho
    - MarionNets
      preparing for divnet training for QLKNN-11D and MarionNets:
      * pytest test suite improvements
        - General cleanup (c0cd2481)
        - Add tests for divsum variables in dataset (fcd5f92e, bdd19f19, 7622d5bb)
        - Removal of unused tests (7c5b6ad9, 6df4b1b7)
        - Add new "CLI-like python code" tester (9e8db883, 928c511c, 0ed9c395)
      * qlknn refactor
        - Move all code to Black codestyle (4f43f45c, 60451e24), see
        - Tiny internal syntax improvements (c822debe)
        - WIP code to misc (4eeb8283)
      * Add more entry points for CLI tools (7002755b, a74bbeb2)
      * Allow generating divsum variables on the fly for QLKNN training (9359d21b, ce1c14b2, 1792a38b, d3b63ed1, c9b35831)
      * Improvements to docs (d7d30297)
      * Karel-style linter settings (d60d4fd1)
      * Improved indexing and low/high bounds for get_output (6d1de645), thanks @MESmedberg
    - CamilleNets
      * Implements all contributed CamilleNet scripts. Thanks @cambouvy
  • camille/scipts-legacy protected
  • camille/grid-searches-legacy protected
  • 1.1.0 protected Release: 1.1.0
    Keras-enabled version
    Big improvement on usability in the glorious post-paper time.
    Most notably, training loop finally uses TF2.0/keras! Not much loss in performance.
    - Main training loop now uses TensorFlow>=2.0, and can use Keras features
    - Improvement to quickslicer
    - Improved debugging
    - Committee nets with multiple outputs A. Ho, publication in preparation.
    - Add CMGnets (later dubbed HornNets), see P. Horn MSc thesis. Publication in preparation
    - Improve filtering for committee nets A. Ho, publication in preparation.
    - Allow loading parts of Kerasnets
    - Allow not shuffling every epoch, saves time in large-dataset, small-network cases. See R. Winkler MSc thesis
  • v1.0.0 protected
    48692b28 · Typo Committee class name ·
    Release: v1.0.0
    PoP submitted version
  • v0.4.0 protected
    f0c577f8 · Increased version number ·
    Release: v0.4.0
  • v0.3.0 protected Release: v0.3.0
  • v0.2.0 protected Release: v0.2.0
  • v0.1.5 protected Release: v0.1.5