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  • v1.15.0
    f7a0b256 · Update Project.toml ·
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.15.0
    [Diff since v1.14.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Support for complex matrix ODEs (#74)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Tensor prod layer [WIP] (#313) (@d-netto)
    - update requires for CUDA.jl (#323) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.14.0
    7bb4cc5c · Update Project.toml ·
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.14.0
    [Diff since v1.13.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Supervised NNODE Example Broken? (#318)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Use Float32s in ComponentArray example (#315) (@jonniedie)
    - rename docs/src/examples markdown files (#317) (@JeremyFongSP)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Zygote" to "0.5" (#319) (@github-actions[bot])
    - [WIP] Add pde constrained example (#320) (@JeremyFongSP)
  • v1.13.0
    ad621190 · Update Project.toml ·
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.13.0
    [Diff since v1.12.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Continuous normalizing flows (#46)
    - FFJORD (#47)
    - Correct way to index into parameter vector? (#281)
    - Library-tized FFJORD (#282)
    - Use sciml_train for multiple initial conditions (#306)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Use JuliaGPU's GitLab CI setup (#284) (@christopher-dG)
    - Correct toml/FFJORD (#291) (@d-netto)
    - Some cleanup after FFJORD PR (#295) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Distributions" at version "0.23" (#296) (@github-actions[bot])
    - CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "Zygote" at version "0.4" (#297) (@github-actions[bot])
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Adapt" to "2.0" (#299) (@github-actions[bot])
    - FFJORD for multivariate distributions (#302) (@d-netto)
    - Update Neural ODE MNIST Example (#303) (@avik-pal)
    - Added example with ComponentArrays (#304) (@jonniedie)
    - FFJORD: docstrings and small change in loss function for multivariate gaussian test (#305) (@d-netto)
    - Documentation (#307) (@d-netto)
    - FFJORD: tutorial (#308) (@d-netto)
    - Remove using OrdinaryDiffEq (#309) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - more FFJORD cleanup (#310) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Fix in documentation/tutorial (#311) (@d-netto)
    - Update ffjord.jl docstring typo (#314) (@Vaibhavdixit02)
  • v1.12.1
    ead315b1 · Update Project.toml ·
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.12.1
    [Diff since v1.12.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Implicit differential equation solver with internal autodiff of the Jacobian (#31)
    - BSplines to approximate gradient of data  (#75)
    - Neural optimal control documentation (#174)
    - README Stable docs links broken (#251)
    - Indexing solution in loss function gives zero gradient with default sensealg (#259)
    - RadauAII5 and typeassert issues in autodiff (#271)
    - Error in LV-Univ example (#275)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - add analytical tgrad for mass matrix methods (#224) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Add mini batch docs (#267) (@collinwarner)
    - add nested AD stiff tests and update docs (#274) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Update docs (#277) (@mkg33)
    - Update LICENSE (#280) (@ViralBShah)
    - Add Documentation for (#285) (@JeremyFongSP)
    - Fix for RecursiveArrayTools broadcast fix (#286) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.12.0
    3fa3841f · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.12.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.12.0
    [Diff since v1.11.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Remove concrete_solve (#273) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.11.0
    fffe53ed · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.11.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.11.0
    [Diff since v1.10.3](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Using reverse-mode autodiff with a second order ODE problem (#48)
    - [Bug Report] Rosenbrock23 gives no method matching finite_difference_jacobian (#257)
    - NewtonSecondOrderAdjoints code in document not working (#258)
    - LV-Univ example code doesn't match intro text (#262)
    - reconstruct_Foo instead of reconstruct NeuralODE (#264)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Second Order Neural ODEs (#254) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - [WIP] Add Documentation to MNIST example (#256) (@JeremyFongSP)
    - Docs fix: remove parameter `p` from call of `predict_rd` (#260) (@metanoid)
    - Update to include training step (#261) (@metanoid)
    - Delete nfe variable in code (#263) (@JeremyFongSP)
    - Remove unused functor definitions (#265) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Update layers.jl (#269) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.10.3
    3977c5df · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.10.3
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.10.3
    [Diff since v1.10.2](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Doc typi (#247) (@jlperla)
    - missing global in docs example (#248) (@dehann)
    - fuse 2: refused (#252) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.10.2
    cd829dc9 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.10.2
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.10.2
    [Diff since v1.10.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - FastChain adjoint definition is not compatible with acting on a matrix (#192)
    - Outer vs Inner constructors style (#230)
    - Google season of Docs (#237)
    - FYI only - Interesting paper on "Differentiation of Blackbox Combinatorial Solvers" (#239)
    - Neural ODE example with GPU does not work (#243)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - make all inner constructors for consistency (#245) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Fix adjoints with matrices and default neural ODEs to ZygoteVJP (#246) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.10.1 Release: v1.10.1
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.10.1
    [Diff since v1.10.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - fix default adjoints for GPU (#240) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Add GPU-based MNIST example to the docs (#242) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.10.0
    9997ca85 · release ·
    Release: v1.10.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.10.0
    [Diff since v1.9.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Gradients w.r.t. scalar indexing of a DiffEqArray (#160)
    - Store and return the current best loss from sciml_train on Flux.jl optimizers (#170)
    - Broadcasting problem in Zygote.gradient with FastChain() (#171)
    - Issue with batch training of NeuralODE with signals as inputs (#225)
    - Docstrings and documentation for fast layers (#231)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Utilize view strided fixes (#152) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Optim" to "0.21" (#222) (@github-actions[bot])
    - Documenter (#228) (@Emmanuel-R8)
    - gigantic doc update (#232) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Deploy Docs (#233) (@kanav99)
    - Add MLSL global optimization (#234) (@AStupidBear)
    - Gigantic documentation update 2 (#235) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.9.0
    7bfeccc1 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.9.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.9.0
    [Diff since v1.8.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - BBO breaks (#199)
    - Force stopping BBO from callback fails (#205)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add callback kwarg to BlackBoxOptim dispatch (#201) (@abhigupta768)
    - See what the tests say (#213) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - Add TikTak global optimization to sciml_train (#217) (@ranjanan)
    - Move TikTak to requires.jl (#219) (@ranjanan)
    - Add QuadDIRECT global optimizer  (#220) (@ranjanan)
    - analytical tgrad for neural ODEs (#223) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.8.1
    ebe1026b · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.8.1
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.8.1
    [Diff since v1.8.0](
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Failed when loss function returned more than one value to pass to cb (#203) (@ChrisDeGrendele)
    - Adding `kwarg` for Optim options (#208) (@YingboMa)
  • v1.8.0
    e620ea99 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.8.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.8.0
    [Diff since v1.7.1](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Theoretical underpinning (#193)
    - Solving Forward Backward SDE  (#197)
    - FastChain in loss (#198)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - improve logging of sciml_train (#194) (@AStupidBear)
    - Save best solution rather than last one in sciml_train (#195) (@ChrisDeGrendele)
    - Add BlackBoxOptim dispatch to sciml_train (#196) (@abhigupta768)
  • v1.7.1
    5b1f935b · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.7.1
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.7.1
    [Diff since v1.7.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Setup progress bar of sciml_train to be platform agnostic (#158)
    - sciml_train fails on GPU  (#182)
    - `sciml_train` error when using `NewtonTrustRegion` optimizer (#185)
    - Neural SDE does not train diffusion parameters (#189)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Provide default progress loggers and use new ProgressLogging API (#184) (@devmotion)
    - Test DiffEqBase promotion (#188) (@ChrisRackauckas)
    - fix and better test neural SDE on FastChain (#191) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.7.0
    e68e6a78 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.7.0
    ## DiffEqFlux v1.7.0
    [Diff since v1.6.0](
    **Closed issues:**
    - Singular mass matrices not compatible with hardcoded adjoints (#34)
    - StackOverflowError on a simple example (#149)
    - Setup progress bar of sciml_train to be platform agnostic (#158)
    **Merged pull requests:**
    - Add progress bar to sciml_train, fixes #158 (#180) (@abhigupta768)
    - support second order (#181) (@ChrisRackauckas)
  • v1.6.0
    bdfabd7b · nlopt test dep ·
    Release: v1.6.0
  • v1.5.0
    a0b09fa2 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.5.0
  • v1.4.0
    164aa78b · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.4.0
  • v1.3.2
    19af8e52 · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.3.2
  • v1.3.1
    38256f1f · Update Project.toml ·
    Release: v1.3.1
    See for release notes