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## DiffEqFlux v1.18.0

[Diff since v1.17.0](

**Closed issues:**
- Flesh out documentation (#244)
- Multiple ODE solves from a single time series on GPU (#279)
- Zygote.gradient doesn't work with basic `solve` example (#344)
- Is it possible to learn neuralode for stiff problem of Robertson's problem? (#367)
- More pictures (#375)

**Merged pull requests:**
- spline: more tests (#345) (@d-netto)
- Spline docs (#348) (@d-netto)
- Finish GDE PR (#355) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- Use travis_wait (#356) (@christopher-dG)
- add smoothed collocation fitting (#359) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- change in ffjord tests (#361) (@d-netto)
- Update ffjord.jl (#363) (@nirmal-suthar)
- revised minibatch docs (#365) (@collinwarner)
- CompatHelper: add new compat entry for "MLDataUtils" at version "0.5" (#366) (@github-actions[bot])
- Require Zygote 0.5 (#373) (@ChrisRackauckas)
- test the fixed ensemble parallelism (#374) (@ChrisRackauckas)