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Tags give the ability to mark specific points in history as being important
  • 1.5.0-beta.2
    beta.0 --
    * Directory restructuring to make code more readable and less of a monolith
    * Use StatEventWrapper
    + Event update_state: If in a replay, it will additionally output `frame` and `elapsed`
    + New event: game:match_destroyed
    + New event: game:replay_created (This is for actual REPLAYS, not mid-match replays)
    + Player objects now include their pitch/yaw/roll, `onWall`, `isPowersliding`, and `onGround` statuses
    beta.1 --
    * Event "game:goal_scored" - The `speed` node should now be accurate
    * Fix bug in the JSON library where it wouldn't escape keys before serialization
    * Fix clock pausing for when match admins pause the game outside of normal gameplay
    * Fixed memory leak in the plugin, making it impossible to completely unload plugin.
      - Fixing this allows hotswapping of the plugin DLL. A post-build command to do this has been added to the project and will auto-hotswap after a successful build
    * HookInitTeams hook added for when the user joins a lobby after it's already begun. No change to events
    + Event "game:goal_scored" now has an `impact_location` node with the X and Y locations of where the ball hit the net
      - Impact coordinates are distance percentages from the top left (X=0.0, Y=0.0) to bottom right (X=1.0, Y=1.0), at the center of the impact. The ball is 14.5% the height of the goal, and 5.2% the width of the goal. The percents are based on the scoreable zone of the goal, being 1800x640 units
    beta.2 --
    + Add `shortcut` to the player node, indicating the spectator shortcut for this player
    + Add `teamnum` to the scorer node of the `game:goal_scored` event, indicating the player's team ID
  • 1.5.0-beta.1
    2bcb4f77 · Update submodules ·
  • 1.4.1
  • 1.4.0
  • 1.3.0
    c4c6ef10 · Clock timing adjustments ·
  • 1.2.0
    bedfd636 · Update for 1.1.0 tagging ·
  • 1.1.0
  • 1.0.0
    e3b02270 · - Update README ·