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UI improvements, some bug fixes, and removal of deprecated functionality

What is new:
    * Date Pickers now have a GUI (requires JavaFX, which means Java 11+ or a version of Java 8 that has JavaFX, which means either a Linux distribution with OpenJFX or Oracle Java — I know that JOSM wants to move to Java 11, which they are likely to do as soon as Java 8 is EOL, which is supposed to occur at the end of the year).
    * Group filters (if the user is part of a group)
    * Images are now semi-transparent if another sequence is selected
    * The Mapillary Layer goes below the data layers, to make it easier to see OSM data features
    * Several enhancements for viewing 360 imagery (painting while panning)
    * Better detection for Mapillary source tag in changesets
    * Built-in mapcss file and images for point detection (effectively disabled right now)
    * UI button to disable sign detections in images (so you can see what was actually detected as a sign)
    * Sign detections work again (they had been broken for awhile)
    * Several crash fixes
    * Some code was removed since JOSM has the same functionality (MapillaryUtils.browse() specifically)
    * Organizations with private imagery can see the private imagery if they are logged in, and the appropriate setting was used at download
    * Fix a deadlock
    * Icon updates
    * Use Mapillary's mapillary_sprite_source icons (included via git subtree, see d66d6bc, since GitHub does not export submodules as svn:externals)

What has been disabled:
    * Point features and related features