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More image formats, filtering, sorting, and updating

Per Kristian Schanke requested to merge wip/pk into master

This MR affects quite a bit of the functionality of the loading of images, the structure of the database, and how the application function.

  • Update to database structure. The new structure is incompatible with the old, but IMHO the structure is more consistent.
  • Added possibility to filter and sort the ImageList.
  • Added possibility to tag images.
  • The list of images automatically reloads on database changes and the separate images update on local database changes.
  • Added possibility to hide images.
  • Loads all known hashes on loading of UploadImage.html. The effect of this is that when you update a pdf for the second time, it will only take the images that are not already in the database.
  • Added support for extracting JPEG images from pdfs. A bit hacky at the moment, and creates two canvases, potentially reducing speed significantly.
  • Apply operations (Hide/Unhide, Add/Remove tags, Delete) to all shown photos

Potential improvements:

* [-] Add filter to db.changes call in ImageList.html to only react to: removals and insertions of images, and change in hidden status. Currently the full list is reloaded on any database change.

Edited by Per Kristian Schanke

Merge request reports