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  • @alinouri Can you give me access to this snippet and the other one for the linux part for docker?

    In this .bat file we have fullmonte-dev but it should default to fullmonte-run.

  • Developer

    Just trying to use this snippet with some new visitors and we found that the file mounting in the last command was giving issues. The fix is to explicitly give the %UserProfile% as the file path starting with /c/Users/.../docker_sims.

    The direction of the slashes '' vs '/' makes a difference in the path being recognized in the docker container. A linux vs windows issue perhaps?

  • That might be the reason. I tested it on my Windows 10 machine and it worked fine so far. Are you running the script also on Windows 10 or an earlier version? If we only have to change the slashes, then that is an easy fix. I will test it at home on my PC.

  • Developer

    Everything has been Windows 10. Everything logs in and seems to work fine but when going into the sims folder in the docker container, it does not show the contents from the local folder.

  • Can you search in your home directory if you might have to folders called docker_sims? This happened to me once and basically confused me and docker...

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