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Verified Commit d17af72d authored by sunpoet's avatar sunpoet
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devel/py-requirements-detector: Add py-requirements-detector 1.1.0

Requirements Detector is a simple Python tool which attempts to find and list
the requirements of a Python project.

When run from the root of a Python project, it will try to ascertain which
libraries and the versions of those libraries that the project depends on.

It uses the following methods in order, in the root of the project:
 1. Parse (if this is successful, the remaining steps are skipped)
 2. Parse pyproject.yoml (if a tool.poetry.dependencies section is found, the
    remaining steps are skipped)
 3. Parse requirements.txt or requirements.pip
 4. Parse all *.txt and *.pip files inside a folder called requirements
 5. Parse all files in the root folder matching *requirements*.txt or reqs.txt
    (so for example, pip_requirements.txt would match, as would
parent e732c390
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......@@ -5375,6 +5375,7 @@
SUBDIR += py-repoze.xmliter
SUBDIR += py-represent
SUBDIR += py-requestsexceptions
SUBDIR += py-requirements-detector
SUBDIR += py-requirementslib
SUBDIR += py-resolvelib
SUBDIR += py-resolvelib05
PORTNAME= requirements-detector
CATEGORIES= devel python
DISTNAME= requirements_detector-${PORTVERSION}
COMMENT= Find and list requirements of a Python project
BUILD_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}poetry-core>=1.0.0:devel/py-poetry-core@${PY_FLAVOR}
RUN_DEPENDS= ${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}astroid>=2.0<3.0:devel/py-astroid@${PY_FLAVOR} \
${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}packaging>=21.3:devel/py-packaging@${PY_FLAVOR} \
${PYTHON_PKGNAMEPREFIX}poetry-semver>=0.1.0<0.2.0:devel/py-poetry-semver@${PY_FLAVOR} \
USES= python:3.7+
USE_PYTHON= autoplist concurrent distutils
NO_ARCH= yes
.include <>
TIMESTAMP = 1679498500
SHA256 (requirements_detector-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 246bd23867c12061eadb346a6fe2e616f0b64e681936154a76c494a27cda3ea8
SIZE (requirements_detector-1.1.0.tar.gz) = 9254
Requirements Detector is a simple Python tool which attempts to find and list
the requirements of a Python project.
When run from the root of a Python project, it will try to ascertain which
libraries and the versions of those libraries that the project depends on.
It uses the following methods in order, in the root of the project:
1. Parse (if this is successful, the remaining steps are skipped)
2. Parse pyproject.yoml (if a tool.poetry.dependencies section is found, the
remaining steps are skipped)
3. Parse requirements.txt or requirements.pip
4. Parse all *.txt and *.pip files inside a folder called requirements
5. Parse all files in the root folder matching *requirements*.txt or reqs.txt
(so for example, pip_requirements.txt would match, as would
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