Add plugin to generate docker (OCI) images
Open Container Initiative (OCI) compliant images spec is here:
No need to reimplement the wheel here, the plugin can probably call any of the utilities that can generate OCI images
- docker
- buildah:
- oci-image-tools:
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- Javier Jardón changed the description
changed the description
- Tristan Van Berkom changed title from [RFE] Add plugin to generate docker (OCI) images to Add plugin to generate docker (OCI) images
changed title from [RFE] Add plugin to generate docker (OCI) images to Add plugin to generate docker (OCI) images
- Tristan Van Berkom added Enhancement label
added Enhancement label
- Chandan Singh assigned to @cs-shadow
assigned to @cs-shadow
- Maintainer
I have started looking into this issue. My current plan is to try to implement it in pure python so that we don't develop dependency on any host tools, especially given that no particular tool has yet emerged as a clear "winner" and it is not ideal to request people to install a specific tool just for the purposes of this plugin.
Once my proof of concept is ready, I will update this ticket with more info.
Assigning it to myself for now. I'll be happy to talk about more details in case anyone is interested.
1 - Chandan Singh mentioned in merge request !655 (closed)
mentioned in merge request !655 (closed)
- richardmaw-codethink mentioned in issue #422
mentioned in issue #422
- Developer
@danielsilverstone-ct posted a proposal to the ML about this -
Adding this to the description also.
- Laurence Urhegyi changed the description
changed the description
- Maintainer
@LaurenceUrhegyi that proposal is about source plugins whereas this issue is about element plugins so the are orthogonal.
What Daniel proposed in that thread was how to consume OCI images in BuildStream and this issue is about how to generate them.
EDIT: Removed that ML thread from the issue description.
Edited by Chandan Singh - Chandan Singh changed the description
changed the description
- Developer
Thanks Chandan, this morning people thought we don't need to discuss this in Manchester this week due to the ML proposal. Crossed wires :)
In that case I think we do need to discuss this a little more this week.
- Javier Jardón mentioned in merge request !857 (merged)
mentioned in merge request !857 (merged)
- toscalix changed milestone to %BuildStream_v1.4
changed milestone to %BuildStream_v1.4
- Chandan Singh moved to bst-plugins-container#3
moved to bst-plugins-container#3
- Maintainer
I have moved this issue to the new bst-plugins-container repo as bst-plugins-container#3. Anyone interested in this issue should follow the above issue for further updates.
I will also close the related WIP MR !655 (closed).