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Add tag support for all published metrics

Neill Whillans requested to merge neill/metric_tagging into master

This request aims to provide the option to tag all published metrics with support for the Influx/Graphite/DOG statsd formats, with tags being set using the RECC_METRICS_TAG_[key]=value mapping, and the statsd format set with RECC_STATSD_FORMAT.

For example, an action cache hit, using RECC_STATSD_FORMAT=influx and RECC_METRICS_TAG_FOO=bar would generate the metric: recc.action_cache_hit,foo=bar:1|c.

And if RECC_STATSD_FORMAT=graphite, it would output: recc.action_cache_hit;foo=bar:1|c

If no tag or statsd format is provided, the metric defaults to the no tagging format: recc.action_cache_hit:1|c

For multiple tags, such as RECC_METRICS_TAG_FOO=bar and RECC_METRICS_TAG_BAZ=zoo, the output metrics would be:

recc.action_cache_hit,baz=zoo,foo=bar:1|c [INFLUX]
recc.action_cache_hit;baz=zoo,foo=bar:1|c [GRAPHITE]
recc.action_cache_hit:1|c|#baz=zoo,foo=bar [DOG]

The implementation was tested locally with a buildgrid server (tox -e server), a bot (tox -e bot -- host-tools), and recc running a simple command like (./bin/recc /usr/bin/gcc -o hello.o -c hello.c). Using a recc.conf with the following parameters set accordingly:

Edited by Neill Whillans

Merge request reports