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Add instance names to the scheduler and data store metrics

Before raising this MR, consider whether the following are required, and complete if so:

  • Unit tests
  • Metrics
  • Documentation update(s)

If not required, please explain in brief why not.


This MR modifies the DataStore and Scheduler metrics to include the name of the instance they belong to. This makes it possible to distinguish between metrics from different instances, which might be using different databases.

This MR also updates the example dashboards to use the new names.


Run BuildGrid using the docker-compose-cache-monitoring.yaml file. Send it some work, and look in the dashboards in grafana (http://localhost:3000/ admin:admin) to check that the data is populated as expected (the Scheduler Backend dashboard is where these changes are most noticable).

Issues addressed

Closes #361 (closed)

Merge request reports