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Draft: Fix Sandwich Lady Wrong Message On Spawn

Roderik requested to merge roderik_7/test-rs-server:SmallImprovementsToRE into master

It's hard to find good sources, but I think we can al agree the current implementation of messages said by random events when they spawn is far from perfect. Like who TF starts a conversation with "Are you ignoring me, ......??". Unfortunately the only source I could find is from OSRS which is not that reliable. Therefor I've intentionally tried to not change too much while adjusting 2 things I hope we can all agree are implemented incorrectly.

The question: Is this a change worth making and if so is it desirable to also do this for other similar random events like the Genie, Drunken Dwarf and Mysterious Old Man?

What has been done in this MR?

  • Sandwich lady always starts with "Sandwiches, [playerName]!" (OSRS source) So she will no longer starts conversations with messages like "How could you ignore me like this, [playerName]?!"
  • Added a simple timer so there are always at minimum 4 ticks between consecutive messages said out loud by the sandwich lady RE.

What should testers check?

  • That sandwich lady now always uses the same (correct) message when she spawns.
  • Sandwich lady no longer (occasionally) says a new message 1 tick after the previous message.
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.

  • I used the relevant Zaros tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes. No JSON edits

Merge request reports
