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Implemented Rick Turpentine and Drunken Dwarf Random Events

Zerken requested to merge Zerken/2009-scape-zerken:rickturp_drunkdwarf into master

What has been done in this MR?

  • Implemented Drunken Dwarf random event
  • Implemented Rick Turpentine random event
  • Added NPCBehavior beforeAttackFinalized function to CombatPulse.kt so it can be used to modify npc attacks via NPCBehavior
  • Added a check to CombatPulse.kt so random event npcs without attack options are able to attack. (Needed for Rick Turpentine and Drunken Dwarf)

This does not break anymore random event test and Ceikry is fine with adding these 2 simple random events before the random event system is refactored/test rewritten.

What should testers check?

Rick Turpentine:

  • Spawn and test using the command ::revent -p username -e rick_turpentine
  • Verify after 3 minutes he starts attacking you hitting 0-3 damage

Drunken Dwarf:

  • Spawn and test using the command ::revent -p username -e drunken_dwarf
  • Verify after 3 minutes he starts attacking you hitting 0-3 damage
  • I have tested these changes thoroughly.
  • I used the relevant Thanos/Zaros tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes.

Merge request reports