Shilo Carts and Cpt Barnaby to Listener
What has been done in this MR?
- Travel flow from Adry to Shilo right click option handlers added:
Ardy Docks -> Pay-Fare Cpt Barnaby -> Pay-Fare Hajedy Cart
- Cart (Pay-fare) fast travel option:
- Barnaby Right-Click (Pay-fare):
What should testers check?
- Can travel with Barnaby through dialogue "talk-to" and costs 30gold (Ardy to Brimahaven)
- Fast travel with Barnaby through dialogue "pay-fare" and costs 30gold
- Cart from Brimhaven to Shilo should cost 10 GP and is restricted by shilo village requirements
- Cart from Shilo to Brimhaven should cost 10 GP
- Travel with cart "board" option is the same as talking to Hajedy or Vigroy
- Travel with cart "pay-fare" option can fast travel
Edited by downthecrop