Rewrote EmptyOption and DFS Plugins as Listeners
What have you done in this MR?
Rewrote -> EmptyOptionListener.kt :
- Resolved #1221
- Fixed empty sounds and messages (see enum below)
- Implemented the ability to empty plant cure
- Test emptying items with empty options with names that contain potions, brews, poison, serum, cure
- Test emptying items defined in the enum below
Rewrote -> DragonfireShieldListener.kt 2009source
- Corrected max hit to be 25 instead of 26
- Corrected DFS attack cooldown to be 2 mintues instead of 30 secs
- Implemented the animation when emptying charges from the dfs
- Implemented a server config called better_dfs that when enabled(true by default) reduces the cooldown of the DFS attack to 30 secs which is was already before (Ceikry approved)
- Verify you can operate id 11283 while equipped to attack with the dfs special while in combat every 30 seconds
- Verify charges are going down when using the dfs special
- Verify when using the empty option on id 11283 it plays the sound and animation and replaces it with id 11284
- Verify when dropping id 11283 it drops id 11284
- Verify when the player dies holding id 11283 it drops 11284 ::forcegravedeath
- Verify inspecting the DFS shows how many charges you have on the shield
Are there any tricky things testers should keep an eye out for?
No -
Yes, as follows: see testing notes above. -
I have tested these changes thoroughly. -
This requires extra testing due to changes to architecture or other similarly risky changes. -
I used the Thanos Tool for any JSON edits where possible, and have attached screenshots of any changes. -
I acknowledge that this contribution will be released under the AGPL license.
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