cant make poison bolts, missing ammunition in blurite crossbow
First: Blurite crossbow cannot shot with poisoned bolts.
IDs of related NPCs/items:
- Blurite Crossbow: [9176]
- Blurite Bolts(p++): [9300]
- Blurite bolts(p+): [9293]
- Blurite bolts(p): [9286]
Should be in ranged_weapon_config.json this: "ammunition": "877,878,6061,6062,9140,879,9139,9236,9286,9293,9300,13280"
Second: I discovered that any of bolt types cannot be soaked in poison. in turn, I checked on knifes, and on them it can, but not all.
- Using Weapon poison+ [5937] on Adamant Knife [867] = 5 x Adamant Knife(p+) [5659]
- Using Weapon poison [1465] on Adamant Knife [867] = Nothing interesting happens.
- When it comes to bolts, it doesn't work at all.
- (because in 2009 no-one add it)