Magic projectiles sometimes visually going in the wrong direction
I've observed this a handful of times over the months I've played, and now I got it on camera. Not sure if server or client, guessing server.
What I did: Fight dag prime.
What I expected to happen: His water waves to visually hit me.
What actually happened: Very rarely, they visually went in another direction, as if Prime was hitting somebody else. This is purely visual, the hit was correctly processed onto me at all times. Interestingly, I've seen this happen with revs too, and there the projectile similarly went from the NE edge of the monster's sprite towards the west - not sure whether that means anything, though.
IDs of related NPCs/items: 2882
2009-era source (if relevant):
Screenshots or video: 2023-11-04_16-44-44
LIVE SERVER username affected by this issue:
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