[Request for Comments] Skill cape dailies should reset with other dailies
What I did: Operate my farming skill cape at the end of the game day (like 23:50 UTC). The next game day, try to do it again.
What I expected to happen: For it to work, because I should be able to use the skill cape perk "once per day" (see source) which is exactly what I'm trying to do. In addition, all dailies normally reset at 0:00 UTC, which furthers this expectation.
What actually happened: I got informed that it was on cooldown, because the game actually counts this one by the second - which means that, in practice, unless you have millisecond precision and military dedication, your daily allowed use will creep a little bit later every 24 hours.
IDs of related NPCs/items: 9811
2009-era source (if relevant): https://2009scape.org/site/game_guide/skill_cape_perks.html
LIVE SERVER username affected by this issue: player_name
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