Logging out while crossing the lava stepping stones in the DW agility course gets you stuck
What I did: Crossed the lava stepping stones in the deep wildy agility course and logged out in the middle of the stepping animation.
What I expected to happen: The game would queue the logout for after the anim had finished. (That's what my memory from 1.5 decade ago told me to expect.)
What actually happened: The game logged me out immediately. Upon logging back in, I was standing on the stone I was at when I logged. Since this was not at the edges of the lava pool, I was stuck.
IDs of related NPCs/items: scenery 37704
2009-era source (if relevant): I wish I had been able to find any for this very specific thing. Sorry.
Screenshots or video: agility.mkv
LIVE SERVER username affected by this issue: N/A, because Crozen was kind enough to come pk me :)
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