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Move tier 2 blacksmith technologies to Town Phase

majima requested to merge Majima_/0ad-community-mod-a26:blacksmith into main


All tier 2 blacksmith technologies are moved in town phase


This is for staying in phase 2 (town phase) more viable. The intent is not really for players to just make these technologies and attack a player who decides to go to city phase. These techs do take time and I don't care if this strategy is viable or not. The reason is, rather, that if a player stayed in phase 2 for some time and different reasons, be it: territory expansion with CC, harrassment with cav, heavy fighting, and notices the opponent being phase 3, then he will not suffer an overwhelming technology disadvantage, at least for some time, as he can make these technologies, defend, and be fine for some time. (the opponent being in phase 3 is not necessarily the same that was being harrassed for example.)

Merge request reports