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  • suchat @suchatchimprayoon ·
    Edited by suchat
  • Good Job!!!👍👍👍😁😁😁

  • Alexander Popov @alexander.e.popov ·

    I get the following message:

    gpg: keyserver receive failed: Server indicated a failure

    gpg: WARNING: nothing exported

    Edited by Alexander Popov
  • matteo porta @0000matteo0000 ·

    it's possible that the key server does not have the key you need, try replacing hkps:// with another server that you expect to have the key for the repository you are trying to use

  • Alexander Popov @alexander.e.popov ·

    Tried to use ports 80 and 8080 as well as a MIT server to no avail. Also tried many other solutions including adding a nameserver to /etc/resolv.conf, removing files from /var/lib/apt/lists, but was unable to solve the problem with anything that was supposed to help.

    Then opened "Software & Updates" and pressed the "Restore defaults" button on the Authenticaion tab. That worked just fine.

    Edited by Alexander Popov
  • Wow... seriously that is amazingly well done! Massive kudos, had been searching like crazy trying to find exactly this!! Woohoo!

  • Worked like a charm and saved me a ton of research as well.. thanks so much!!

  • Thanks, I was going crazy almost did a fresh install.

  • Thanks alot!

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