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  • malek @drmalek97 ·

    Hi, I have a question about error handling.

    In the function signatures part, it shows that functions return the error object in addition to the result. However, in the important remarks section, it stated that we have to add the logs. So I'm confused about whether to use the logs to handle the error or I should return the error unhandled.


  • malek @drmalek97 ·

    Also, I have a problem while Im loading the dump file into the MongoDB server, Im passing the following command

    mongorestore -h --authenticationDatabase admin -u mongoAdmin -p changeMe --archive ./data.gz

    But mongo shell hangs while importing it, so can I get the file in JSON or CSV file.


  • @drmalek97 First you need to create your database (Otsimo) and collections (Assignees, Candidates), after that you can restore the dump data in this database without a problem. Best

  • Dear @drmalek97,

    Thank you for your questions and efforts. The signatures are clues for you. You do not have to use them as given. You should do error handling and logging somehow. In addition, (thank you @fakturk) you should use 3.6 as the version of MongoDB and please take advantages of Google and Stackoverflow more :)


  • malek @drmalek97 ·

    hey @fakturk, the answer that you provided doesn't work, unfortunately, I tried different ways, though none of them worked. By the way, I'm using mongodbv4.2.6 and Debian 10.

  • malek @drmalek97 ·

    Hey @duygugundogu i can't install mognodb3.6 since i'm using Debian 10, which is not compitable with monogodb3.6. So can I get the data in JSON or CSV format so I can deal with it easily?


  • malek @drmalek97 ·

    Regarding the submit date, it is until the end of the day or until 5 PM? Thanks.

  • Dear @drmalek97,

    I can not send the dataset in a different format to you because importing the dump file is a part of this task. Sorry to hear that you could not find a way to install Mongo 3.x on Debian10 but you could create a virtual environment that is working on an os compatible with Mongo 3.6. I can set your due date farther a day since you are facing such an issue and note this challenge to your profile.

    In addition, since this is a professional and individual task, I should be your direct contact to answer any question you might have via an email not Gitlab.


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